Midterm exams are upon us. In this new normal of virtual learning, many students near or on campus are struggling to find quiet spaces where they can study. There are areas available across campus, but in order to enforce social distancing regulations, reservations are required.
To save a spot at one of the libraries, click here. If you want to enjoy one of my favorite spots on campus, Chancellor Green, go here.
Studying is important. But so is carving out some stress-free time. If exercise is your thing, please keep it going! Get some fresh air when possible. Stay in touch with friends. Exams are important, don’t get me wrong, but so is your physical and mental health.
If you feel like you need more, there are resources for everyone – here or remote.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) can be reached at (609) 258-3141, and virtual CPS counseling sessions are being offered as well.
- CPS has also prepared very helpful guidance on how to take care of your mental health during this very unusual semester; please do take a moment to review it.
- Reach out to Laura De Olden if you have questions or just want to connect. This helps her understand your needs and provide some guidance on how to meet them.
Take care. We are here for you!