An Accidental Brexit: Economic Disintegration -Neither Rhyme, Nor Reason

Paul Welfens
Date & Time Apr 17 2019 12:15 PM - 1:20 PM
Jean Monnet Chair for European Economic Integration, University of Wuppertal
Audience Restricted to Princeton University

Welfens is Research Fellow at IZA, Bonn; non-resident senior research fellow at AICGS / Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC; In 2007/08 he was Alfred Grosser Visiting Professor at Sciences Po, Paris, a leading university and Grand Ecole of France. The EIIW, headed by Prof. Welfens, is globally networked with leading research partners and has contacts with all major international business organizations. More than 30 conference proceedings - mostly in English - have been written over the years. Publications by Prof. Welfens have been published in German, French, English, Greek, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Welfens is co-publisher of the journal International Economics and Economic Policy . According to Springer-Wissenschaftsverlag, Heidelberg, Welfens is one of theinternationally most publicized German economists .