This lecture is the third in a series of lunch seminars convened around the issue of refugees and migration, and the second specifically engaging with education and migrant children.
Julian Culp joined the American University of Paris as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the fall of 2018. Before that he was a lecturer and research associate in philosophy and political theory at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. He held research and teaching positions at the Center for Ethics of the University of Toronto and at the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics of the Catholic University of Louvain. Prior to his university studies he spent a year tutoring mathematics in Codó, Brazil. His current research interests are in contemporary political philosophy and philosophy of education, with a focus on problems of democracy and justice in a globalized world. He is completing a monograph entitled "Education and Democratic Justice: A Normative Theory for Global Citizenship," in which he defends democratic conceptions of global educational justice and citizenship education. Recently he co-edited a special issue on "Education and Migration" for The Journal of Global Ethics. (Ph.D. Goethe University of Frankfurt).
The lunch is open to Princeton University faculty and students only. To attend, RSVP to Angella Sandford