Bradford Seminar with David Edwards: Managing Tropical Agriculture to Minimize Biodiversity Loss

Date & Time Sep 23 2019 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
David Edwards, University of Sheffield
Audience Open to the Public, Registration Required
This lecture is part of the David Bradford Energy and Environmental Seminar Series, organized by the Center for Policy Research on Energy and Environment. The seminar series highlights scholars and practitioners from various fields working on critical research related to science policy. We invite speakers to share new research they are working on, focusing on important policy-relevant issues. Since its inception in Fall 1999, this series has hosted many speakers who are influential in science & environmental policy. Attendance by Princeton students, faculty and staff is encouraged.
All seminars are open to the public on a limited basis with approved RSVP to

David Edwards is Professor of Conservation Science at the University of Sheffield, UK.  He works at the nexus of land-use change, biodiversity and policy, and he has worked extensively in SE Asia and Colombia since 2006. His work has brought to light the impacts of tropical land-use change and habitat disturbance on biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning and services. He is on the Editorial Board of Current Biology.

For more information about this event and other lectures in the series, visit the C-PREE website: