The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination will host a Town Hall on Wednesday, November 15, at 7 pm in Forbes College Multipurpose Room. The conversation will address communal and individual perspectives on national and international security in a forum of open discussion. The gathering will be led by young leaders of the LISD Project on Generational Perspectives on National and International Security.
Refreshments will be provided, RSVP to Angella Matheney (matheney@princeton.edu).
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The project on Generational Perspectives on National and International Security aims to offer an audible voice to the next generations of leaders, in order to develop an inclusive definition of “security” while fostering dialogue and mutual trust within and across generations regarding domestic and foreign security challenges. The project objective is to provide young people with the opportunity to develop effective international collaboration on contemporary security issues and to better understand how perception informs reality. It is a "self-directed and self-initiated" undertaking.
By bringing together young adults – independent of gender, race, belief, socio-economic and other backgrounds – the project intends to highlight security trends that may not be apparent to the elites that predominate throughout these contexts. Fundamentally, the Generational Perspectives Project is a response to today’s polarization of basic communication and aims to empower a new cohort of young people to better reach out to their peers and overcome security vacuums in their own communities.
For more information on the project's aims and objectives, please visit: lisd.princeton.edu/