A moderate discussion with Erin Ferenchick, M.D, Primary Health Care (PHC) lead at the Global Fund to Fight TB, AIDS and Malaria. Her role supports countries in building resilient and sustainable systems for health with an emphasis on strengthening primary care. In addition, Ferenchick is an assistant clinical professor of medicine in the Center for Family and Community Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.
Erin will reflect on the evolving role of Primary Health Care (PHC) in the global health space. She'll discuss practical aspects of shifting to more integrative ways to get PHC services to people who need them most, how to engage communities in the redesign of national PHC policies, and the growing effort to ensure mental health is included within PHC. Erin also will share insights on how professional options and career tracks within Global Health are adapting to news ways of working.
Boxed lunches will be offered and our guest capacity is 30. Please RSVP here.
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