Donald S. Bernstein '75 Lecture: The Future of Workers’ Rights in America, with Kate Andrias, William B. Gould IV, and Dorian T. Warren

Date & Time Apr 11 2019 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Kate Andrias, University of Michigan Law School; William B. Gould IV, Stanford Law School, Emeritus; Chair, National Labor Relations Board 1994-98; Dorian T. Warren, Community Change
Audience Open to the Public

A panel discussion with

Kate Andrias, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School

William B. Gould IV, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Law School; Chair, National Labor Relations Board, 1994-98

Dorian T. Warren, President, Community Change 

Moderator: Paul Frymer, Professor of Politics, Princeton University; LAPA Director.

The Bernstein Lecture, started in 2005 through the generosity of Donald S. Bernstein '75, brings a significant legal scholar to campus each year. Previous Bernstein Lecturers include Judge Richard Posner (2005); Kenneth Roth (2006); Robert C. Post (2007); Cass R. Sunstein (2008); Israeli Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch (2009); Jack M. Balkin (2010); Yochai Benkler (2011); Christopher Eisgruber (2013); Trevor Potter (2014); Emily Bazelon (2016); Anne-Marie Slaughter (2017); and Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt (2018).

Free and open to the public.

Presented by the Program in Law and Public Affairs 
