OGCS/Alfa & Bosch Fellowships Info Session

Date & Time Oct 08 2019 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Audience Restricted to SPIA graduate students
Sign-Up here
Please join us on Tuesday, October 8 for an information session about the Alfa Fellowship Program to Russia and the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program to Germany. The information session will be held at 12:15 pm, and is intended for anyone interested in learning more about these prestigious professional development opportunities in Russia and Germany. 

The Alfa and Bosch Fellowship Programs are international initiatives that offer emerging leaders from the U.S. the opportunity to gain intercultural and practical experience in either Germany (Bosch) or Russia (Alfa). Fellows complete placements at leading institutions in their field, attend professional seminars, and receive intensive language training. The fellowships provide a generous monthly stipend, health insurance, all program-related travel costs, in-country language classes, and pre-departure private tutoring as needed.