Date & Time Jan 16 2018 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Audience Restricted to Princeton University

Fin Bauer and

Haosen Ge

Media and National Identity

Julian Dean and

Allison Halter

Dissenting Patiently: Supreme Court Topic Choice and the Dynamics of Legal Change

Ben Hammond and Leah Rosenstiel

The Problem with Outlays:

Reexamining Berry and Fowler’s “Cardinals or Clerics?”

Kathy Ingram and

Sean Luna McAdams

How to Rebel? Interdependence of Tactical Choice among Nonviolent and Violent Organizations

Naijia Liu and

Tyler Simko

Utilizing "Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted" to Reduce the Spread of Fake News

Sayumi Miyano and Xuancheng Qian

How Do Legislators Take Positions on Trade amidst Localized Shocks from Globalization? Analysis of Press Releases 

David Ribar

The Roots of Working Class Under-Representation in State Legislatures

Bryan Schonfeld and Federico Tiberti

Anger, Anxiety and Autarky: The Psychological

Determinants of Trade Preferences