Fin Bauer and Haosen Ge | Media and National Identity |
Julian Dean and Allison Halter | Dissenting Patiently: Supreme Court Topic Choice and the Dynamics of Legal Change |
Ben Hammond and Leah Rosenstiel | The Problem with Outlays: Reexamining Berry and Fowler’s “Cardinals or Clerics?” |
Kathy Ingram and Sean Luna McAdams | How to Rebel? Interdependence of Tactical Choice among Nonviolent and Violent Organizations |
Naijia Liu and Tyler Simko | Utilizing "Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted" to Reduce the Spread of Fake News |
Sayumi Miyano and Xuancheng Qian | How Do Legislators Take Positions on Trade amidst Localized Shocks from Globalization? Analysis of Press Releases |
David Ribar | The Roots of Working Class Under-Representation in State Legislatures |
Bryan Schonfeld and Federico Tiberti | Anger, Anxiety and Autarky: The Psychological Determinants of Trade Preferences |