“Predicting Relationship Stability among Fragile Families: Findings from Qualitative Data”

Date & Time Apr 25 2019 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Kathy Edin (Professor), Tim Nelson (Lecturer), Sarah Gold (Postdoctoral Research Associate), Rachel Brown-Weinstock (Graduate Student), and Lauren Clingan (Graduate Student), Princeton University
Audience Restricted to Princeton graduate students, faculty, and fellows

Click here for a full schedule of Spring 2019 Working Groups

All seminars are on Thursdays and run from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m; lunch is served at 11:45 a.m.

Please contact ffdata@princeton.edu if you are interested in attending and have not received an email invitation.

Video conferences are held at Wallace, Room 001 (Princeton) and Room 1109 (Social of Social Work – Columbia).