Discussion with Secretary of State, Nellie M. Gorbea
Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea ‘88 made history when she was sworn in on January 6, 2015, becoming the first Hispanic elected to statewide office in New England.
A proven leader who is taking on some of the toughest issues and getting results, she was re-elected to serve a second term in office on November 6, 2018.
Since then, she has rapidly emerged on the national scene, leading the way for other states across the country. https://www.sos.ri.gov/about-us
Topic of discussion, “Election Reforms - A View from the States”.
Tuesday, February 23 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM EST at https://princeton.zoom.us/j/91459131875?pwd=dWhnUnVpSDNGN0R5NEU5ZTJNSWdwUT09
Password: SINSI