Workshop on Learning Conversations and Bridging Divides in the United States

Date & Time Apr 26 2019 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Nealin Parker, former Acting Director for US Agency for International Development's office on War and Political Transitions, the Office of Transition Initiatives
Audience Restricted to Princeton University

In a polarizing America, talking to people with whom you disagree can be challenging, off-putting and even counter productive.  Without conversation, however, we eliminate basic opportunities to understand each other and seek creative solutions to our problems.  We see deadlock and we reinforce that deadlock.  Nealin Parker and the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University will host a workshop teaching the basic tools used in conflict transformation for approaching divisive conversations.  These Learning Conversations are a tool that helps you shift from an adversarial conversation to one in which you are able to find a deeper story and identify new ways forward.  In this workshop students will practice the tool in the policy context, but it is equally useful as a manager and leader across many contexts.

Nealin Parker has worked on conflict resolution and transformation in many highly political contexts including for the Carter Center's Conflict Resolution Program and the Acting Director for US Agency for International Development's office on war and political transitions, the Office of Transition Initiatives.  She now focuses on political polarization in the US.

To attend, RSVP to Angella Sandford,

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