Dean's Dialogue: Come Here if You're Serious About Service (Baher Iskander MPA '22)
April is Arab American Heritage Month, and to reflect on this diverse community, Dean Amaney Jamal sits down in conversation with Baher Iskander MPA ’22, a naturalized immigrant from Cairo, Egypt, with an interest in U.S. Middle East policy.
Together, they discuss what it means to be Arab American, the representation of different faiths within the community, and the ways the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) can foster a more inclusive community for all students.
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The Dean’s Dialogue is a monthly podcast hosted by Amaney Jamal, Dean of the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. The show is produced and edited by B. Rose Huber and receives support from Sarah Binder, Egan Jimenez, Daniel Kearns, and Brittany Murray.