News Clips: Week of Aug. 7 - 13

Aug 10 2017

The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.

It's Time to Stop Asking Whether Human Genetic Engineering “Should” Happen and Start Planning to Manage it Safely
HuffPost (Lee Silver)

Is the United States in Decline?
The American Conservative (G. John Ikenberry)

Former top national security officials urge Trump to stick to Iran nuclear deal
Jewish Journal (Daniel Kurtzer)

Supreme Court decision on gay marriage shapes perception of social norms, studies conclude
ABA Journal (Elizabeth Levy Paluck)

Raising minimum wage won't fight poverty
Winnipeg Free Press (Alan Krueger)

Use Your Seat to Get Ahead at Work
Wall Street Journal (Alexandre Mas) 

The US economy is "broken" -- here's the proof
CBS News (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)

Study: Doctors from elite schools prescribe fewer opioids
Axios (Janet Currie)

Doctor Training Relates to Opioid Prescribing
U.S. News & World Report (Janet Currie)

White House reviewing new report that finds strong link between climate change, human activity
Washington Post (Michael Oppenheimer)

Climate Change Study Leaked Over Fears That Trump Will Suppress It
New York Magazine (Michael Oppenheimer)

Draft climate change report at odds with Trump administration
USA TODAY (Michael Oppenheimer)

Nixon Resigned 43 Years Ago Today. Is Trump on the Same Path?
U.S. News & World Report (Julian Zelizer)

Should Trump Pay More Attention to Housing?
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)

College launches course on 'white identity politics' in 'Trumplandia' (Carolyn Rouse)

An oral history of Obamacare's 7 near-death experiences
Vox (Paul Starr)

Why the US needs an economic fair housing act
Curbed (Douglass Massey)

How To Fix Poverty: Why Not Just Give People Money?
NPR (Alan Krueger)

Doctors who attend lower-tier medical schools prescribe far more opioids, study finds
STAT (Janet Currie)

Analysis: Trump Turns to Russia Probe to Poke at His Critics
Washington Post (Julian Zelizer)

Hacking The Vote: How Can We Secure Our Voting Systems?
Science Friday (Ed Felten)

Climate change is dramatic, and we're feeling it now, report says
The Boston Globe (Michael Oppenheimer)

US Report on Drastic Climate Impact Awaits Trump Approval
Newsmax (Michael Oppenheimer)

Supreme Court Decisions Affect LGBTQ Social Acceptance, Research Finds (Elizabeth Levy Paluck)

Princeton's Alan Krueger Sees 'No Drama' in Jobs Report
Bloomberg (video featuring Alan Krueger)

Is Dodd-Frank Crippling Banks or Saving Them?
Fortune (Alan Blinder)