The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.
India's rural roads contracts: How lawmakers bent rules to favour own caste
Business Standard (Jacob Shapiro)
A Democracy That's Drowning in Cash
New Europe (Martin Gilens)
Finalists announced for Lukas Book Prize
WTOP (Stephen Kotkin)
(Books) Tales of refuge, transient workers listed for Lukas Prize
The Standard (Stephen Kotkin)
How big business elites have funded and won political rights for corporations
The Washington Post (Martin Gilens)
Commentary: Even in world's oldest democracies, citizens may be losing control
Reuters (Martin Gilens)
How Caste Networks Enabled Corruption In India's Rural Roads Programme
IndiaSpend (Jacob Shapiro)
The Health 202: Here's one reason the Florida shooter wasn't blocked from getting a gun
The Washington Post (Alan Krueger)
Opposition mounts to tax breaks for Amazon's HQ2
Dallas Business Journal (Alan Krueger)
How Much Money Do You Need To Be Happy? Less Than Most People Are Making
Fast Company (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)
How much money do people need to be happy?
Quartz (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)
America Washes Its Hands of Syrian Civilians
The Atlantic (Ryan Crocker)
Finalists announced for Lukas Book Prize
Eagle-Tribune (Stephen Kotkin)
Haunted By Ghosts Of The Old Eastern Bloc (Alan Blinder)
The World Loves A Scary Labor Market Story
Forbes (Alan Blinder)
Someone is wrong on the internet: More on gender and "status" in the US
Financial Times (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
A Better Single-Payer Plan
The New York Times (Paul Starr)
New University Installation Will Grapple With Mixed Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
Town Topics (Cecilia Rouse)
Elevate Addiction Services: Our Research Suggests the Opioid Crisis Might be Deepening
Newswire (Alan Krueger)
Amazon's Race to the Bottom Puts Chicago Transit at Risk
The American Prospect (Alan Krueger)
Trump is one bad day away from tweeting "I've had three times as many wives as Obama!"
Vanity Fair (Alan Krueger)
The opioid crisis is draining America's workforce
CNN Money (Alan Krueger)
Bitcoin: More Trustworthy than Some Academic Critics
Cato Institute (Harold James)
Defending the Enlightenment
Reason (Angus Deaton)
Why Do American Kids Die Earlier Than Children in Many Other Developed Nations?
Seeker (Angus Deaton)
Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change
The Catalyst (Michael Oppenheimer)
Are African American families more vulnerable in a largely white neighborhood?
The Guardian (Douglas Massey)
Mens et Manus America panelists analyze U.S. immigration policy
MIT News (Douglas Massey)
Grand Strategy Isn't Grand Enough
Foreign Policy (Thomas Christensen)
The FRONTLINE Interview: Ryan Crocker
PBS WHYY (Ryan Crocker)
Madaleno names former O'Malley administration official as running mate
Washington Blade (Benjamin Jealous)
The Memo: How long will truce between Romney, Trump really last?
The Hill (Julian Zelizer)
On Presidents Day, Looking At The Latest From The Trump Administration
NPR Illinois (Julian Zelizer)
Black Americans are over-represented in media portrayals of poverty
The Economist (Martin Gilens)
How poverty changes your mind-set
Chicago Booth Review (Eldar Shafir)
Thank Trump and Emmanuel Macron for increased French defense spending
Washington Examiner (Andrew Moravcsik)
International Cooperation 2.0
Project Syndicate (Robert Keohane)
Mutually Assured Contempt at 2018 Munich Security Conference (G. John Ikenberry)
Mental illness the latest drag on disability support pension
The Australian (Angus Deaton)
US admiral advocates war footing against China
World Socialist Web Site (Aaron Friedberg)
To achieve peace, a Palestinian channels David Ben-Gurion
New Jersey Jewish News (Salam Fayyad)
GOP senator suggests we need fewer immigrants because robots are coming
The Washington Post (Douglas Massey)
Why Do Women Earn Less Than Men?
Mother Jones (Henrik Kleven)
On Presidents Day, Looking At The Latest From The Trump Administration
WBUR 90.9 (Julian Zelizer)
Gun Control Is Not Impossible
The Atlantic (by Julian Zelizer)
Experts: Universities Need to be Transparent About Money Received from Confucius Institutes
The Washington Free Beacon (Aaron Friedberg)
A stunning chart shows the true cause of the gender wage gap
Vox (Henrik Kleven)
This is how your life will change in retirement
MarketWatch (Richard Rogerson)
Optimism Alone Won't Solve Climate Crisis. It's Time To Blend In Fear.
Huffington Post UK (Michael Oppenheimer)