The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.
Egyptian-American molecular biology professor Adel Mahmoud dies at 76
Egypt Independent (Adel Mahmoud)
Bill Gates mourns Egyptian doctor who saved lives of countless children
Gulf News Egypt (Adel Mahmoud)
World Mourns Egyptian Credited With Inventing HPV and Rotavirus Vaccines
Egyptian Streets (Adel Mahmoud)
FT Health: Turkey and humanitarian aid; gambling; influenza
Financial Times (Adel Mahmoud)
Gig economy: not just for musicians anymore (Alan Krueger)
Letters from readers - 180620 (Alan Krueger)
Why the PTI must win
The (Atif Mian)
Climate Alarm: Failed Prognostications
Canada Free Press (Michael Oppenheimer)
Where's the 'Gig Economy?'
Jacobin (Alan Krueger)
Did Chronic Pain Patients Help Elect President Trump?
Pain News Network (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
7 Reasons the Stock Market Will Go Up
The Motley Fool (Eldar Shafir)
Popularity of tariffs on China may lead to pain
SFGate (Aaron Friedberg)
Who is Dr. Adel Mahmoud, the man the world lost this month?
egypt today (Adel Mahmoud)
Egypt's higher education ministry mourns death of Egyptian-American infectious-disease specialist Adel Mahmoud
Ahram Online (Adel Mahmoud)
Where Is Barack Obama?
New York Magazine (Julian Zelizer)
Impeachment fever is bad for the Democrats
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
Vaccine Expert Adel Mahmoud Took Up the World’s Problems
The Wall Street Journal (Adel Mahmoud)
Trump’s China crackdown enjoys wide support. Here’s why that could be a problem for him.
The Washington Post (Aaron Friedberg)
Why Banking The 'Accidental Entrepreneur' Takes Baby Steps (Alan Krueger)
Who'll stop the rain?
Arms Control Wonk (Stephen Kotkin)
James Hansen’s legacy: Scientists reflect on climate change in 1988, 2018, and 2048
grist (Michael Oppenheimer)
Trump's Immigration Message: I Dare You to Care (Julian Zelizer)
The Maryland Governor’s Race Is A Referendum On The Democratic Party’s Ambition
Huffington Post (Benjamin Jealous)
Madaleno, Beyer among LGBT candidates on Md. primary ballot
Washington Blade (Benjamin Jealous)
What Message Is Melania Trump Sending With Her Jacket? Here's What Experts On First Ladies Think
Bustle (Lauren Wright)
What Melania Trump’s ‘I don’t care’ jacket says about the state of the East Wing
The Washington Post (Lauren Wright)
Recognizing happiness in everyday moments (Noreen Goldman)
Mental Health Declining for Disadvantaged U.S. Adults
DoctorsLounge (Noreen Goldman)
Reps. McCaul, Ruppersberger and Sens. Rubio, Coons: Dems and GOP must work together on foreign policy
Fox News (Ryan Crocker)
Will the Foreign-Policy Establishment Learn From Trump’s Election Victory?
The Nation. (G. John Ikenberry)
Hungary Criminalizes Aiding Illegal Immigrants
The New York Times (Kim Lane Scheppele)
Does paying people to do the right thing actually work?
Eyewitness News (Tom Vogl)
Is the Gig Economy's Rise Greatly Exaggerated?
Investopedia (Alan Krueger)
Free The Labor Market
Forbes (Alan Krueger)
Drugs from Heron Therapeutics and two other biotech companies can boost your investment returns by reducing opioid abuse
MarketWatch (Alan Krueger)
Is Vladimir Putin’s Russia in decline? We figured out how to measure ‘national power.’
The Washington Post (Stephen Kotkin)
News Analysis: Separations: Trump's bid to galvanize base could backfire
Xinhua (Julian Zelizer)
Stubborn Unemployment Rate Keeps Getting Lower. What’s the Fed to Do?
gurufocus (Alan Blinder)
The Foreign Affairs Worldview Has a Leftward Tilt
The New American (G. John Ikenberry)
The ultimate failure
The Jordan Times (Salam Fayyad)
How The Opioid Crisis Is Depressing America’s Labor Force
WAMU 88.5 (Alan Krueger)
The Gig Seems to Be Down, Regular Jobs Up
The Wall Street Journal (Alan Krueger)
Russia Analytical Report, June 11-18, 2018
Russia Matters (Stephen Kotkin)
Crime Is Down But Most People Don't Know It
MotherJones (Jonathan Mummolo)
News of Note—Vaccine exemption 'hot spots,' NIAID’s RSV vaccine study and more
FiercePharma (Adel Mahmoud)
Is Vladimir Putin’s Russia in decline? We figured out how to measure ‘national power.’
The Washington Post (Stephen Kotkin)
Trump’s claim that migrants ‘infest’ country seen as whipping up fear
San Francisco Chronicle (Julian Zelizer)
Why Trump figures he can win with harsh border policy
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
America's Poor Are Less Happy Than Ever: Study
HealthDay (Noreen Goldman)
Opioids And Suicides Coincide With Increasing Despair Among Poorer Americans
IFLScience! (Noreen Goldman)
Declining mental health among disadvantaged Americans
PNAS (Noreen Goldman)
America's Poor Are Less Happy Than Ever: Study
Infosurhoy (Noreen Goldman)
Ben Jealous becomes latest Md. gubernatorial candidate to release tax returns
The Washington Post (Ben Jealous)
Schools need new strategies to fight poverty
Delaware Online (Eldar Shafir)
30 years on, world is failing 'miserably' to address climate change
Delano (Michael Oppenheimer)
How The Opioid Crisis Impacts The Labor Force
WBUR 90.9 (Alan Krueger)
Dr. Adel Mahmoud, 76, Dies; Credited With Major Vaccines
The New York Times (Adel Mahmoud)
Poor Americans Really Are in Despair
The Atlantic (Anne Case, Angus Deaton and Noreen Goldman)
Most Americans can’t catch the same kind of cash bail breaks as Harvey Weinstein
ThinkProgress (Will Dobbie)
Competing with China
IISS (by Aaron Friedberg)
It is America's move in its competition with China
War on the Rocks (by Aaron Friedberg)
Breaking the cycle of absentee fatherhood
The Christian Science Monitor (Kathryn Edin)
From rust belt to robot belt: Turning AI into jobs in the US heartland
MIT Technology Review (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
How Ben Jealous And Dave Chappelle Are Fighting For Weed Legalization
The Fresh Toast (Ben Jealous)
Behind the Scenes of India's Response to the East Pakistan Crisis of 1971
The Wire (Gary Bass)