SPIAccolades — October 2024
SPIA Faculty Professional Updates

Pascaline Dupas spoke at Science Summit 2024 in New York City on Sept. 23. She presented on how water research and innovation can enable universal access to clean drinking water and dignified sanitation for all.
Dupas is a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton SPIA and co-chair of the School’s Research Program in Development Economics, an initiative that aims to improve the lives of people living in low- and middle-income countries.

Layna Mosley presented on a panel at the 2024 Global Economy and Financial Stability Conference in Seoul, South Korea, on Sep. 3, addressing government officials, central bank officers, policymakers from G20 member countries, and prominent scholars on the topic of "Uncertainty of Monetary Policy and Global Financial Stability."
Mosley, who is a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton SPIA and director of the Princeton Sovereign Finance Lab, spoke alongside panelists from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Korea Development Institute, and elsewhere, focusing on how politics affects international financial institutions and sovereign borrowing, as well as debt crises.
"These crises have become more common in a period of higher global interest rates, and with China’s retreat from some of its overseas lending activity," Mosley said.
James Raymond Vreeland has been awarded the 2024 Distinguished Mentor Award by the international collaboration section of the American Political Science Association. He was nominated for this honor by his past Ph.D. students.
Vreeland conducts research in the field of international political economy, specializing in international institutions and has published his research in numerous books and scholarly journals. Vreeland, a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton SPIA, was also inducted by the Princeton Class of 2024 as an honorary classmate in May.
"The support and encouragement that I have received from my students has been the honor of my life," he said.