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Decoding the Debate: Faculty Experts Share Their Insights

Princeton SPIA scholars from diverse disciplines offer expert analysis on key moments, policy proposals, and rhetorical strategies from the first presidential debate. Their informed commentary provides a comprehensive understanding of the debate's impact, fostering a deeper appreciation of the political discourse.
As the November 5th elections approach, Princeton SPIA delves into the core concerns of American voters. From economic anxieties to protecting civil liberties, our faculty experts decode trends shaping public opinion, the 2024 election results, and the path forward in policymaking.


The United States grapples with internal challenges like party polarization, racial, ethnic, and regional inequalities, and distrust of institutions and election processes. How can we safeguard our democratic values and system amidst these challenges?


While strides have been made in embracing the ideals of equality, significant challenges persist in achieving equity across various dimensions such as race, gender, sexuality, and more within our institutions and governance systems. What targeted progress in specific areas could effectively dismantle systemic barriers hindering our pursuit of this ideal?

Climate Change

Global warming and climate change drive rising temperatures, severe weather, and economic burdens. Despite being labeled an existential crisis, it's also an opportunity for transformative action. Should the government adopt policies for clean energy transition and emissions reduction, even if it entails major changes to industries and lifestyles?

Reproductive Health and Healthcare

Access to reproductive healthcare, including birth control and safe abortion, is vital for health and well-being. Since ROE V. WADE was overturned, many states have banned or restricted access to abortion. Does the end of federal protection for abortion threaten other personal freedoms?


Despite widespread pessimism about the national economy, polls reveal a more positive outlook on personal finances among Americans. What factors contribute to this disparity: partisanship, misinformation, or ineffective communication strategies?


The national spotlight on immigration continues to intensify amid the southern border crisis, sparking debates on accountability and effective solutions. Is immigration now politically untouchable? Or can we chart a course that tackles illegal immigration while empowering legal immigrants vital to U.S. competitiveness?

Education and Student Debt

Student debt remains a pressing financial burden for millions of Americans, hindering crucial decisions like homeownership and entrepreneurship. Despite 4 million student borrowers benefiting from debt forgiveness, further policy changes are sought to alleviate this burden and reduce education costs. Are there viable solutions for debt relief and education affordability in the U.S.?

Crime and Violence

Amidst pandemic-era spikes in homicides, data shows violent crime and homicides in the U.S. are declining at the quickest pace in decades. Yet, concerns about public safety persist, including ongoing calls for tougher gun safety measures. Should we focus on addressing crime's root causes — poverty, education, inequality — to create safer communities?
crowd of people attending an event in auditorium


Our public affairs elections programming will begin in the fall of 2024. Please check back in late August for more information.
Robertson Hall
Conversations conducted by the School lay the groundwork for deeper understanding.