Robertson Spring 2024

Princeton SPIA Faculty React to President Trump’s Trade War

Economists and political scientists underscore economic and global implications of new tariffs. As the administration moves forward with these measures, Princeton SPIA scholars are weighing in on the economic consequences, potential risks to international trade relationships, and broader geopolitical impacts.
Dean's Leadership Series event promotion

Dean's Leadership Series

At Princeton SPIA, our students regularly engage with high-level policy leaders and practitioners. See who's visiting for Spring '25!

Upcoming Events

Why Princeton SPIA?

dollar sign

Of tuition and required fees which includes health insurance for all students

DEI iconography of 3 people figures

Expert faculty and policy practitioners across disciplines

An icon of a student with diploma

Global network of alumni

An icon of a graduation cap
Over 40%

U.S. students of color

mpa orange

75 Years of Serving the Nation and Humanity

Princeton SPIA’s MPA program begins diamond anniversary celebration. Over the next two years, we will incorporate the celebration of this milestone anniversary into existing School events and will share remembrances from alumni, faculty, graduate students and staff.