Faculty Books & Awards
Our faculty publish widely on a range of policy-relevant issues. Below are the books and volumes that debuted in fiscal year 2021. This collection was self-reported by our faculty.
Faculty Books

Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture (Fourth Edition)
Co-authored by: Susan T. Fiske and Shelley E. Taylor

The Limits of Party: Congress and Lawmaking in a Polarized Era
Co-authored by: Frances E. Lee and James M. Curry

A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order
By: G. John Ikenberry

Toxique: The Aftermath of French Nuclear Testing in the South Pacific
By: Sebastien Philippe

The Inclusionary Turn in Latin American Democracies
Co-edited by: Deborah J. Yashar, Diana Kapiszewski, and Steven Levitsky

Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich and the Rise of the New Republican Party
By: Julian E. Zelizer
Faculty Book Awards

Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism
Co-authored by: Anne C. Case & Sir Angus S. Deaton
Shortlist, Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2020

Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture (1984)
Co-authored by: Susan T. Fiske and Shelley E. Taylor
Top 10 most cited work in social-personality psychology by Google Scholar, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

The Limits of Party: Congress and Lawmaking in a Polarized Era
Co-authored by: Frances E. Lee and James M. Curry
Gladys M. Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association

Hooked: How Politics Captures People’s Interest
By: Markus Prior

Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior
Co-authored by: Ismail K. White and Chryl N. Laird

Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich and the Rise of the New Republican Party