Date & Time
May 24 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Climate Change, Environment, Energy
Finance, Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Globalization, Foreign Policy, Trade
Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance
Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment (C-PREE)
Amy Myers Jaffe ’80
Helima Croft *01
Edward Morse *69
Restricted to Princeton University
Event details
Join us for a discussion on the current state of global commodity markets, the energy transition, and energy policy going forward in the face of macroeconomic challenges.
Our speakers include:
- Helima Croft *01, Head of Commodity Strategy and MENA Research at RBC. Member of the National Petroleum Council, Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and CNBC Contributor
- Amy Myers Jaffe ’80, Professor and Director of the Energy, Climate, and Sustainable Justice Lab at NYU. Co-Chair of the Women in Energy Initiative at Columbia University and former Senior Advisor on Sustainability to the Chief Investment Officer of the University of California Regents.
- Edward Morse *69, Special Advisor at Hartree Partners. Previously served as Global Head of Commodities Research at Citi and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Policy
Moderator: Abhiram Karuppur ’19, Harvard Business School
Organized by the JRCPPF Alumni Forum. Sponsored by the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance (JRCPPF) and the Center for Research on Energy and the Environment (CPREE).